Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:


1 kilo potatoes (3 big ones)

8 tablespoons butter
1 medium onion – chopped
1 cup mixed vegetables – diced carrots, corn, peas
2-175g cans Argentina Corned Beef
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup beef broth
Salt, pepper, other seasonings of choice


1. Peel and quarter potatoes, boil in salted water until tender (about 20 minutes).
2. While the potatoes are cooking, melt 4 tablespoons butter (1/2 a stick) in large frying pan.
3. Sauté onions in butter. Add in vegetables and Argentina Corned Beef. Sauté for a few minutes.
4. Add Worcestershire sauce and beef broth. Cook, uncovered, over low heat for 10 minutes, adding more beef broth as necessary to keep moist.
5. Mash potatoes in bowl with remainder of butter, season to taste.
6. Place corned beef and vegetables in baking dish. Distribute mashed potatoes on top. Rough up with a fork so that there are peaks that will brown nicely. You can use the fork to make some designs in the potatoes as well.
7. Cook in 400ºF oven until bubbling and brown (about 30 minutes). Broil for last few minutes if necessary to brown.

Makes 5 to 6 servings


Pandan Jelly

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:


10 leaves of Pandan (Wash thoroughly and twist leaves)
10 cups of water
3 small cans of Cream
1 medium can of Condensed Milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 bars of Green Gulaman
1 3/4 Cups Sugar (adjust for sweetness)
1/2 cup Kaong or nata de coco (optional)

Cherries for topping


1. Boil 10 pandan leaves. Simmer for 20 minutes.

2. Before adding 2 bars of gulaman, first remove the pandan leaves .

3. Measure if the remaining water is really equal to 8 cups to make it proportionate to 1 bar of gulaman to 4 cups of pandan water mixture.

4. Make sure gulaman is well-dissolved. Stir well.

5. Add sugar to gulaman while mixing. Stir for 5 minutes.

6. Strain the mixture into trays. Let cool and solidify, then place trays in the refrigerator.

7. Mix 3 cans of cream and 1 can of condensed milk.

8. Add kaong or nata de coco as desired.

9. Get gulaman trays from the refrigerator and slice into 1/2 inch cubes. Mix cream-milk mixture then add 1 teaspoon vanilla.

10. Add cherries on top for accent.

Singapore Chilli Crab

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:


1 Sri Lanka Crab (of course use our local crabs, the bigger the better)
3 tbsp. Canola oil
8 cloves garlic, chopped
8 fresh chili, chopped
2 eggs
2 spring onions, sliced
1 ginger, grated
2 tablespoon lime juice (or substitute with calamansi or lemon juice)
2 tabsp sugar
4 tbsp ketchup
1 teaspoon cornflour (substitute with corn starch)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Mix the following for the sauce

1 cup water
4 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornflour
1/4 teaspoon salt


1.Heat the oil in a wok over high heat.

2. Add garlic and stir-fry for 1 minutes.

3. Add the chilli, stir-fry till fragrant and then the crab.

4. Fry well till shell starts turning red.

5. Add sauce ingredients.

6. Cover with lid and simmer.

7. Break eggs. Stir in spring onions and lemon juice.

Ready to serve.

Three-shred Spring Roll

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:

500 grams (1.1 lb) wheat flour
100 grams (0.22 lb) shelled baby shrimps
100 grams (0.22 lb) shredded meat
100 grams (0.22 lb) shredded bamboo shoots
250 grams (1/2 cup) cookingoil
6 grams (1 tsp) salt
5 grams (1 tsp) cooking wine
1 gram (1/4 tsp) sugar
1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG
10 grams (2 tbsp) cornstarch


1. Put 25 g (2 tbsp) of cooking oil in the pan and heat it. Add the shredded meat, shrimps and shredded bamboo shoots. Stir-fry slightly. Add the cooking wine, half of the salt, sugar, MSG and 50 g (3 tbsp) of water and cook well. Put in the cornstarch to thicken it. Put aside for later use.

2. Mix the flour with 300 g (3/5 cup) of water, add the remaining salt to give the flour paste elasticity. Heat a flat-bot-tomed pan on low heat and sprinkle some of the flour paste in the pan. Quickly turn the pan to shape the paste into a thin wrapping about 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter. When its sides roll up, remove it. Keep doing this to produce many spring roll wrappings.

3. Put the sauce in the center of wrapping, fold it once away from the side of the cook, fold both ends to the centr to form a long and wide strip. Apply a drop of the paste to seal the wrapping and a raw spring roll is made.

4. Put the oil in the pan and heat it to 135-200oC (275-390oF). Put in the rolls one by one and deep-fry them till they are golden brown.

Features: Crispy outside and tender inside.
Taste: Delicious and salty.

Deep-fried Carrot Shreds (RiYueShuangHui)

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:

400 grams (0.88 lb) carrots
300 grams (3/5 cup) salad oil
3 grams (1/2 tsp) salt
10 grains of Chinese prickly ash
50 grams (3 tbsp) dry cornstarch


1. Cut the carrots into fine shreds.

2. Marinate the carrot shreds with salt and MSG for 30 minutes. Sprinkle on the dry cornstarch and mix well. Deep-fry the Chinese prickly ash grains until they give out a strong aroma. Grind them into a powder.

3. Heat the oil to 135-170 ??C (275-340 ??F). Deep-fry the carrot shreds until they become crispy. Drain off the oil, put in a plate and sprinkle on the prickly ash powder onto the carrot shreds.

Features: Lightly golden yellow in color,crispy.
Taste: Salt and delicious.

Steamed Dumpling with Shrimp (ZhengJiao)

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:
500 grams (1.1 lb)cornstarch
100 grams (0.22 lb) glutinous rice flour
250 grams (0.55 lb) shelled shrimps
50 grams (0.11 lb) shredded bamboo shoots
50 grams (0.11 lb) shredded corrots
100 grams (0.22 lb) pork fat
3 grams (1/2 tsp) salt
1 gram (1/4 tsp)sugar
1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG
10 grams (2 tsp) cooking wine
5 grams (1/6 oz) finely scallions
50 grams(0.11 lb) lard

1. Wash clean and finely chopped the shelled shrimps, bamboo shoots, shredded carrots and pork fat. Add the salt, MSG, cooking wine and scallions to make the filling.

2. Mix the cornstarch, rice flour with the lard. Add 150 g (10 tbsp) of boiling water and mix well. Divide into small pieces each 20 g (2/3 oz) in weight. Press them into flat wrappings by hand, put in the filling and seal well. Put them in steamer and when the water starts to boil, steam them for 10 minutes. Now serve.

Features: Pure white in color and beautiful in shape.
Taste: Salty and taste.

Boiled Salted Young Soy Beans

Author: Singaporebestfood // Category:
250 grams (0.55 lb) young soy beans with the shells on
15 grams (2 1/2 tsp) salt
2 grams (1/2 tsp) MSG
5 grams (1/6 oz) aniseed
2 grams (1/15 oz) fennel
1,000 grams (2 cups) water


Wash the soy bean clean and cut off both ends so as to allow them to absorb the liquid during boiling. Put the water in a pot, bring to boil, add the salt, aniseed, fennel, and young soy beans to boil for 20 minutes. Add the MSG and turn off the fire to soak for 30 minutes. Put on a plate to serve. (The same method can be used to cook "Boiled Salty Peanuts".)

Features: Tenderly green in color.

Taste: Salty and delicious.